This story takes place in a dystopia where humans aren't produced naturally, but manufactured in factories. A group of students are being taught about how there were clone up too 96 times. They are told about there history on how they are genetically changed or enhanced to survive climates or complete the jobs they have for the future. Ive also learned that the director and possibly few others in this society believe that they should be able to clone forever but can't. Lastly There god is Henry Ford because he is the creator of assembly and factory lines.
The story focuses more on the social structure in the first chapter by describing all the details in the process of how they are made and what the people are classified to do.
Proliferate=increase rapidly in production
burgeon= grow or flourish
Hand notes
There motto Community, Identity, Stability
Allusion- 632 A.F relates to B.C or A.D
these people might be executioners too because they talk about stabilizing the population.
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